When Should You Replace an Old Dental Filling?

Dental Filling San Clemente, CA

Dental fillings can last a long time, but they are not life-long restorations. Most fillings will need to be replaced after around a decade, with some types lasting longer than others. If you are wondering whether it is time to replace your old dental filling, be aware that as long as it is continuing to function as intended, it should typically be left in place.

That said, there are certain situations where replacing a filling is a wise choice. Understanding these can equip you with the knowledge to pay attention to your fillings and call the dentist for a replacement when the time is right.

When to replace old dental fillings

In general, metallic-based fillings, such as amalgam, will last longer than most other options — around 15 years on average. Porcelain fillings may last about 10 years, and composites have even shorter lifespans. With good care, though, it is possible for any filling to exceed its average life expectancy. Signs that a filling needs to be replaced include the following.

When the filling is damaged

When a filling begins to fail, the first sign is typically that it starts to come apart. If patients notice that their filling is visibly different than it used to be or if they find fragments in their mouth, they should go to the dentist right away to have a new filling placed.

When decay arises

A dental filling should be replaced when decay is starting to re-enter the area. The purpose of a filling is to seal a gap created by damage to the tooth, which is often caused by decay. If a filling is no longer serving its purpose because it has worn down, bacteria may be able to enter the vulnerable area that it was previously protecting.

Tooth pain, discoloration, or new textures surrounding the site can indicate that a new cavity is starting to form. A new filling can be placed to address decay, but it should be done quickly to avoid bacterial infiltration into the more sensitive parts of the tooth.

When better options are available

In general, as long as they are performing their intended purpose, fillings should be left alone once installed. However, some patients may feel self-conscious about them if they are located in the visible part of the smile, especially silver amalgam fillings

In this case, patients may elect to have their old dental filling replaced with a new type. They should consult a dentist to discuss the process for swapping fillings, as it is not always recommended. If the patient gets approved, they can decide whether they want to use a new material or simply adjust the shade of the filling due to a significant change in the color of the teeth.

Replace old dental fillings when the time is right

Replacing old dental fillings is a part of good oral healthcare from time to time. If your filling is starting to fail or new signs of decay appear, a new filling could be in order. Contact our office to schedule an appointment if you believe that something is wrong with your filling or to check on the condition of your existing fillings.

Request an appointment here: https://dentistinsanclemente.com or call Nina Basti DDS at (949) 201-4719 for an appointment in our San Clemente office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Composite Fillings in San Clemente, CA.

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