How Long Do Veneers Last on Front Teeth?

VeneersWhen wondering, “how long do veneers last on front teeth?” it helps to understand what they are and the process of applying them. Dental veneers, which usually consist of porcelain or a composite resin, are wafer-thin shells that are custom-made to fit over the front surface of teeth.

When Are Dental Veneers Used?

Dental veneers typically improve the appearance of stained or discolored teeth, which can attribute to a number of different factors. The antibiotic tetracycline, as well as a few other drugs, are well-known for causing tooth discoloration. Root canal treatments and an overuse of fluoride can also cause a tooth to change color. In other cases, heavy consumption of red wine, coffee or tea can also cause discoloration.

Dental veneers also quickly, effectively, and painlessly change the shape of chipped, uneven, misaligned, or even worn down teeth. Veneers can also close small gaps between teeth. Veneers are a nice intermediate option for people who want to change the shape or color of their teeth with more than bonding, but the problems are not significant enough to need a crown.

Additionally, veneers have a distinct advantage over crowns in that they require only a minimal amount of alteration to the natural teeth. When wondering, “how long do veneers last on front teeth?” keep in mind that people can also elect to wear dental crowns if they want an alternative solution.

How Are Veneers Fitted?

After determining that the patient is an ideal candidate for veneers, we will take an impression of the teeth. We will then send the impression to a laboratory to create the veneer to match the specific patient. Before placing the veneer, we will remove a small amount of enamel from the tooth to contour a smooth appearance when we place the veneer.

We then place the veneer on the tooth and check to make sure it is the right shape and color. Ensuring that the veneer fits perfectly often involves removing and shaping and trimming it one or more times. after the patient approves of how the veneer looks and feels, we will bond it to the tooth.

A follow-up visit to Nina Basti DDS to check the placement and comfort is usually done after a couple of weeks.

The Benefits of Veneers

Because the shade of the veneer will match the natural teeth, it is very difficult to differentiate them from the natural teeth. Porcelain veneers have an advantage over their resin counterparts in that they reflect more light and, therefore, appear more natural looking. Porcelain is also naturally more stain-resistant than tooth enamel and is thus more resilient to coffee or red wine.

However, the benefits of dental veneers go beyond mere cosmetic considerations. This thin layer of material, bonded onto the underlying tooth, protects it from further damage. Nevertheless, this does not mean that the veneer will protect the tooth from cavities and decay any more efficiently than the natural enamel does. The patient will still have to adhere to a good oral hygiene routine that includes brushing the teeth at least twice a day, flossing once, and having regular professional checkups and cleanings.

One of the most commonly asked questions regarding dental veneers is:

How Long Do Veneers Last On Front Teeth?

With reasonable precautions, dental veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 30 years. While you can eat almost anything you like, it is important to exercise reasonable precautions because dental veneers are not indestructible. Porcelain is a glass and can shatter with excessive pressure. You are very likely to crack the veneer if you pry open a bottle cap with your teeth, chew on ice, or bite your fingernails. People who grind their teeth at night will greatly benefit from wearing a night guard.

In other words, porcelain veneers have the same strengths and weaknesses as a natural tooth and should be taken care of in exactly the same way.

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