Dental Cleaning: 5 Reasons for Regular Dental Visits

Everyone wants strong and healthy teeth, but not everybody wants to book dental appointments regularly. Studies have shown that aside from excellent oral hygiene, regular visits to the dentist for dental cleaning are vital for healthy and beautiful teeth. In this article, we will focus on five reasons to go for regular dental visits.

  1. Early diagnosis of mouth cancer

    Mouth cancer is a severe condition that can develop from many causes. Sadly, the condition is not often discovered in its early stages and can quickly turn into a life-threatening situation. Fortunately, early detection of oral cancer makes the treatment easier, and recovery chances increase.

    This is why regular dental checkups are essential. Through dental appointments, the dentist will be able to diagnose life-threatening conditions and suggest possible methods of treatments.

  2. Lessen or eliminate plaque or tartar

    Brushing and flossing regularly is essential in order to prevent cavities, but there are areas of the mouth that the brush cannot reach. These areas tend to trap little food particles that over time turn to plaque or tartar. When tartar accumulates on the teeth, they lead to tooth decay and tooth pain.

    During your dental checkup, the dentist will clean your teeth thoroughly to remove traces of plaques and tartar. This will lessen the chances of developing cavities remarkably.

  3. Lessen the risk of gingivitis

    Tooth decay is not the only dental issue caused by plaque and tartar. Gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease, is a result of plaque’s invasion of gum tissues connecting the gum and the teeth. If neglected, gingivitis can worsen into periodontitis and eventual tooth loss.

    Gingivitis treatment is usually very costly and sometimes requires surgical procedures, medications, and thorough deep cleaning. To prevent the risk of gingivitis, you should visit the dentist regularly.

  4. Stop bad habits

    Many bad habits have negative impacts on your oral health. You may be practicing these habits regularly without realizing they could pose a threat to your teeth. These habits include brushing your teeth harshly, biting your nails and chewing ice.

    When you go to the dentist's office for your routine dental appointment, the dentist will examine your teeth for damages caused by any of these bad habits. Through this, you will be aware of the bad habits that you did not know, and how to stop them before they cause dental issues.

  5. Diagnosis of hidden disease with x-ray

    One of the best ways to detect the presence of damages on the teeth and gums is through X-ray scans. X-rays allow the dentist to identify changes in the normal condition of the teeth and gums that would be otherwise invisible to the naked eye.

    X-rays can help detect potential gum disease or impacted wisdom teeth. They can also help to discover other oral health issues such as mouth cancer. In most cases, early detection of oral conditions is vital to prevent complications and ensures easy treatment.

Final note

While experts recommend seeing a dentist twice a year, you should not hesitate to book an appointment if you detect any sign of abnormalities in your mouth. Dental cleanings during checkups are essential for preserving the quality of your smile and keeping your teeth healthy. Speak to one of our dental health professionals today.

Request an appointment here: or call Nina Basti DDS at (949) 201-4719 for an appointment in our San Clemente office.

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