Categories: TMJ Dentist

Signs of TMJ

As a general dentist, Nina Basti DDS treats patients suffering from TMJ. If you live in San Clemente, CA or the 92672 area and are suffering from jaw pain, call (949) 201-4719 to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options. There are several signs of TMJ, including:

  • Headaches
  • Jaw pain
  • Facial pain
  • Sore neck and shoulders
  • Popping sounds when you chew
  • Difficulty opening your mouth all of the way

If you have any of the signs of TMJ, it is critical that you be examined quickly. When TMJ is diagnosed and treated early, the symptoms can often be reversed. However, when TMJ goes untreated, the condition can progress until eventually, people begin to suffer from lockjaw and an inability to open their mouth wide enough to speak or chew. This can be frightening, to say the least. Fortunately, the signs of TMJ are easy enough to detect, allowing you to obtain treatment for the condition.

Nina Basti DDS recommends non-invasive treatment options. When you visit our San Clemente, CA general dentist office, she will conduct a thorough examination and take x-rays. If it is determined that you could be grinding or clenching your teeth at night (a common cause of TMJ), she may recommend a night guard. This device is worn while you sleep and prevents your upper and lower teeth from touching. As a result, your temporomandibular joint can remain in a relaxed position. By eliminating the stress put on your joint, any pain, headaches, and soreness in the jaw should dissipate. This simple yet effective solution is available in our 92672 general dentist office. To schedule your consultation, call (949) 201-4719.

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Nina Basti DDS

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Nina Basti DDS

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